
Music For the New Revolution – The podcast that answers the question; “Where are all of the contemporary protest songs?” David Heitler-Klevans and Rodney Whittenberg are painstakingly researching and seeking out those songs that speak to the problems we face today… [Read More]


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Event Information:

  • Fri

    Music for the New Revolution guerrilla showcase at NERFA

    10:00 pmVirtual

    We will be hosting a Music for the New Revolution guerilla showcase at the 2021 virtual NERFA Conference, on Fri., November 12 at 10:00 PM EST, with lots of excellent musicians, including Erika Kulnys, Ami Yares, rorie kelly, Jefferson Berry, Paul Kaplan, Mike Glick, Rodney Whittenberg, David Roth, Two of a Kind, Windborne, Barry Oreck, Marion Halliday, Len Seligman, Ryc Ward, and Mara Levine supported by Gathering Time.

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